Here is my Curriculum Vitae (Updated on 2022 Jan 30)
Name: Sutasinee Thovuttikul
Date of Birth: November, 8 Status: Single Nationality: Thai Place of Birth: Tak Province, Thailand
Lecturer at Department Of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University.
Research Topics
• Human-computer interaction • Human behavior and interaction Simulation • Social behavioral analysis and design for Different Cultural Communication
Office Address: Department Of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Suthep, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 5020
Office Phone Number: (+66) 0-5394-3411 (119) Fax Number: (+66) 0-5394-3411 E-mail: sutasinee.th@cmu.ac.th sutasinee.th@gmail.com
• Sep. 2019 Doctoral Course of Philosophy in Informatics. (PhD: informatics) Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan • Apr. 2008 Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering, (M. Eng: Computer Engineering) Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, THAILAND • Mar. 2004 Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering (B. Eng: Computer Engineering) Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, THAILAND
Research Interesting
• Human-computer interaction • Social behavior and interaction intelligent design • Cultural conversation and communication • Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented reality (AR)
• Thovuttikul, S., Ohmoto, Y., and Nishida, T., 2019, July. Using first-and third-person POV to bridge cultural misunderstandings in cognitive learning system of different cultural communication in simulated crowd. In Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), 2019 IEEE 18th International Conference on. IEEE. (Best paper award) • Thovuttikul S., Ohmoto Y., and Nishida T., 2019, January. Learning communication from first- and third-person POVs: How perceptual differences influence the interpretation of conversations whilst waiting. Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications. • Thovuttikul S., Ohmoto Y., and Nishida T., 2019, January. The effect of first- and third-person POVs on cultural communication: How Japanese people learn social conversation at Thai night flea markets. In International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. AAMAS2019. • Thovuttikul S., Ohmoto Y., Nishida T., 2018, October. Comparison of influence of Thai and Japanese cultures on reasoning in social communication using simulated crowds. Journal of Information and Telecommunication • Thovuttikul S., Ohmoto Y., Nishida T., 2018, June. Perception of Fairness in Culturally Dependent Behavior: Comparison of Social Communication in Simulated Crowds Between Thai and Japanese Cultures. In Recent Trends and Future Technology in Applied Intelligence. IEA/AIE2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10868. Springer • Thovuttikul S., Ohmoto Y., Nishida T. 2018, March. Fairness in Culturally Dependent Waiting Behavior: Cultural Influences on Social Communication in Simulated Crowds. In Intelligent Information and Database Systems. ACIIDS2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10751. Springer • Nishida, T., Nakazawa, A., Ohmoto, Y., Nitschke, C., Mohammad, Y., Thovuttikul, S., Lala, D., Abe, M. and Ookaki, T., 2015, March. Synthetic evidential study as primordial soup of conversation. In International Workshop on Databases in Networked Information Systems (pp. 74-83). Springer International Publishing. • Nishida, T., Abe, M., Ookaki, T., Lala, D., Thovuttikul, S., Song, H., Mohammad, Y., Nitschke, C., Ohmoto, Y., Nakazawa, A. and Shochi, T., 2015, March. Synthetic evidential study as augmented collective thought process-preliminary report. In Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (pp. 13-22). Springer International Publishing. • Thovuttikul, S., Lala, D., van Kleef, N., Ohmoto, Y. and Nishida, T., 2012, August. Comparing people's preference on culture-dependent queuing behaviors in a simulated crowd. In Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on (pp. 153-162). IEEE. • Thovuttikul, S. and Nishida, T., 2011, November. Handling greeting gesture in simulated crowd. In Granular Computing (GrC), 2011 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 659-664). IEEE. • Lala, D., Thovuttikul, S. and Nishida, T., 2011, September. Towards a virtual environment for capturing behavior in cultural crowds. In Digital Information Management (ICDIM), 2011 Sixth International Conference on (pp. 310-315). IEEE. • Thovuttikul, S., Lala, D., Ohashi, H., Okada, S., Ohmoto, Y. and Nishida, T., 2011, February. Simulated crowd: towards a synthetic culture for engaging a learner in culture-dependent nonverbal interaction. In 2nd Workshop on Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction, Stanford University, USA. • Thovutikul, S., Auephanwiriyakul, S. and Theera-Umpon, N., 2007, July. Microcalcification detection in mammograms using interval type-2 fuzzy logic system. In 2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference (pp. 1-5). IEEE. • Auephanwiriyakul, S., Attrapadung, S., Thovutikul, S. and Theera-Umpon, N., 2005, May. Breast abnormality detection in mammograms using fuzzy inference system. In The 14th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2005. FUZZ'05. (pp. 155-160). IEEE. • Auephanwiriyakul, S., Attrapadung, S., Thovutikul, S. and Theera-Umpon, N., 2004, Nov. Calcification Detection in Mammogram using Fuzzy Inference System. In The 27th Electrical Engineering Conference 2004. EECON2004, Vol.2. (pp. 165-168).
Work Experiences
Oct. 2016- Sep. 2019 Research fellow at the Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University May 2018 – Sep. 2019: Part-time researcher At Riken-AIP, HAIC research group. Oct 2016 – Sep. 2019: Research fellow at the Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University Nov. 2010 – Sep. 2016: Research Assistance, Nishida Lab, Group of Applied Intelligence Information Processing, Dept. of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University May 2008 – Aug. 2010: Lecturer, Animation Department, College of Arts, Media and Technology, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Oct. 2008 – Aug. 2010: Visiting Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Sep. 2009 – Aug. 2010: Member of committee on Program Administration (Bachelor of Science in Animation) College of Arts, Media and Technology, Chiang Mai University Oct. 2008 – Aug. 2010: Member of Committee on Research Administration, College of Arts, Media and Technology, Chiang Mai University Oct. 2004 – Sep. 2006: Teacher Assistance in C Programming Language at Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Related Course-works
• Experience Reality Design (Virtual reality: VR & Augmented reality: AR) • Artificial Intelligence • Pattern Recognition • Fuzzy Logic • Digital Image Processing • Computer vision • Software Engineering • Abstract Data type and Problem-solving • Game Programming • Computer and programming (C, C++, C#)
Other Activities
Mar., 25-27, 2013 Attended the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence: AAAI 2013 Spring Symposium Series at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA. Feb., 25-27, 2013 Research visiting at School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Host by Professor Ruth Aylett. Feb., 18-20, 2013 Research visiting at Human Centered Multimedia, Augsburg University, Host by Professor Prof. Elisabeth André.
Professor Toyoaki Nishida Group of Applied Intelligence Information Processing, Dept. of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University e-mail: nishida@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp Phone: +81-75-753-5371 FAX: +81-75-753-4961 homepage: http://www.ii.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?page_id=181
Assoc. Prof. Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul (Ph. D.) Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200 e-mail : sansanee@ieee.org homepage: http://sansanee.cpe.eng.cmu.ac.th/CV.htm