Table of Contents

e-Learning Course

204101: Introduction to Computer (International Program)

Credit 3 (2-2-5) Semester 1 Year 2565



Exam Date 1/2565

Study Plan

Week Lecture Laboratory Assignment
0 Administrative Info
1 [Theory] Data Processing and Computer System slides [Theory] Basic Programming via slides HW1 and LAB01
2 [Theory] Program Development slides [Python] Introduction to Python slides HW2
3 [Flowchart] Sequential slides [Python] Sequential Programming slides LAB02
4 [Flowchart] Selection slides [Python] Selection Programming slides LAB03
5 [Flowchart] Nested Selection slides [Python] Nested Selection Programming slides LAB04
6 [Python] Basic Function slides slides [Python] Using Functions slides LAB05
7 [Theory] Number System slides Review HW3
8 Midterm Exam on Tuesday 30 August 2022 Time 12.00-15.00
9 [Flowchart, Python] Loop slides [Python] Loop Programming slides LAB06
10 [Flowchart] Nested Loop slides [Python] Nested Loop slides
11 Nested Loop (Cont.) [Python] String Programming slides LAB07
12 [Python] List Programming slides [Python] 2-D List slides LAB08
13 [Python] Tuples, Sets, Dictionary slides [Python] Tuples, Sets, Dictionary (cont.) LAB09
14 [Python] File I/O slides [Python] NumPy and Matplotlib Lab slides HW4 and LAB10
15 [Theory] Data Representation slides [Theory] Data Communication slides HW5 and HW6
16 Final Exam on Tuesday 01 November 2022 Time 15.30-18.30

Grading Policy

Assignment Submission


Supplemental Material

  1. Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python, Brad Miller and David Ranum PDF
  2. Think Python - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Allen Downey PDF
  3. Introduction to Computer and Information Processing, Don Cassel and Martin Jackson, Printice-Hall, Inc., 1981